If there's something I really need in my life is spending quality time with my love ones!
Luckily my fiancée and I, we both love spending time outdoors, going on day trips or longer vacations, enjoying nature, cycling, hiking... And of course, our cameras are always our most faithful companions (along with our bikes!).
We were very lucky to find each other in such a beautiful city like Edinburgh. Being a couple from two different countries makes us feel even more curious about the culture and origins of the other. Hungary and Spain have been two awesome destinations!
Here you can find a few pictures of those trips.
Traveller, Poland, black and white
Our Polish half is really strong but because of that Spanish other half, Poland during winter time is not our first option. But there's no problem, because Poland and her baltic sea, have one of the most beautiful summers you can see.
Edinburgh. Cold, grey, rainy, windy... But how amazing! One of the most beautiful cities in the world. We moved to this magical place, eleven and four years ago, and still today, when the sun is up, we need to go out and enjoy our favourites spots.
Bone Idle is half Spanish and half Polish, that's why we need to scape from time to time and go back to our roots.